Collateral Management: Take Control of Your Documents

Do you have stacks of papers in every drawer of your office, and files in every sub-sub-subfolder of your computer? That can be overwhelming!

You can put your mind at ease by creating a system to manage your documents. Some of them will be internal (for you and your team’s eyes only), and those can be organized in a cloud-based file structure that everyone has access to. Think Google Drive, Dropbox, or One Drive.

For your external documents though, you’ll likely need a way to store print-ready files and not keep large amounts of physical inventory in your office.

Marketing collateral is your collection of media (both print and digital) used to support sales of your product or service. This can be event flyers, infographics, directories, business cards, etc. Without a management system for this collateral, you could run into big problems:

  • You can’t find the materials you need
  • Existing assets are outdated
  • Branding becomes inconsistent
  • Materials are double-ordered

What is W2P?

Collateral management systems are cloud-based applications allowing for access from most anywhere and by anyone you allow. The best method available today is Web to Print (W2P) services. With W2P, your collateral materials are available on your own ordering site, allowing for easy viewing and retrieval for print requests. W2P solutions offer the following services:

1. Everything is web-based and accessible through a dedicated portal on the internet. This portal is your custom online shop for all your collateral needs. As long as you have a web browser, you can log in to view and make print requests.

2. User access can be controlled by one or a few administrators to monitor requests and costs. Different collateral can be available to certain users as needed. Caps can be placed on certain users limiting the amount of money spent on print jobs without administrative approval.

3. Collateral can be set up to be customized when needed. This is especially helpful for companies with a high number of employees, for example, and can’t keep static files of each person’s business cards – they can customize their information on a template instead. Templates can also be created for other ever-changing pieces, such as event flyers.

4. Everything stays up to date! Managing your collateral is especially vital if your company is rapidly growing. Rather than an old logo being used when some employees haven’t received the newest file, the new one can be made available immediately across all collateral. Before money is spent on orders placed with the outdated logo, it has been retired and archived.

5. Why make large bulk purchases when you can save money and only order when you need it? Every office has at least one cabinet spilling over with old brochures, flyers, and other items. With W2P, your office doesn’t have to be that way.

While our society is going more paperless, there is always going to be a need for print. You can stay at the top of your game by maintaining and improving your brand management.

If you are interested in a W2P portal for your collateral, or just have questions, let’s chat!


“Pixa has been a lifesaver for me. Before the Web to Print solution came along, I was manually coordinating our weekly orders with several vendors. Having one unified platform for all of our printing has cut my time managing the process down to almost zero. The setup was effortless, and the team has been very helpful and responsive as we roll the system out to my team here. Definitely recommend this solution for people looking to automate their document management!”


-Doug Houvener, Marketing Manager
Arrowhead Health Centers


Want a free tool to start working on file organization today? Download our Document Inventory Worksheet and take control of your files!


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