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Segmenting Your Donors is More Important Than Ever
Fall is here, and segmenting your donors will make your end-of-year appeals as easy as pie. You have a lot going on, and it may be tempting to send all...
International Nacho Day!
October 21st is International Nacho Day! Obviously we are celebrating. And we're encouraging you to partake in the holiday too.
Marketing Terms, At a Glance
Sometimes, as marketers, we get so caught up in our own industry that we forget to make sure everyone is on the same page. We throw out lingo like...
Get More from Your Print Budget with Retargeting
You make a significant investment in your print marketing. Yet even with the most targeted, well-concepted campaign, sometimes you don’t net the sale. Why?
Want to Sell More? Keep It Dripping!
If you keep hearing the term “drip marketing,” there’s a reason. It’s a powerful lead nurturing tool that works.
Are you ready for your annual appeal?
Just like everything else in 2020, your annual appeal will likely require some significant changes in your workflow. This year, the success of your...
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