Best Mail Types for the Financial Industry

Direct mail is a powerful tool when used to its full potential. It’s not a one size fits all solution, though. Some sectors see better results from postcards than from dimensional mail.


Let’s look at how the financial industry can benefit from direct mail.

Direct mail is a great tool for accounting, tax professionals, estate planning, investment brokers and credit lending. The most popular formats used in the financial sector are self-mailers, newsletters and postcards.


Self-mailers are affordable and versatile. Because they require no envelope (they are self-sealed), customers can open them quickly. They also provide more real estate than a postcard, so they are an overall great choice, whether you are sending out an invitation to a financial seminar or simply providing information on your business and services.


Newsletters are great options when you have a lot of content that you’d like to include. And they don’t just have to be traditional newsletters that cover the recent happening of your business. They are also great formats for financial reports, impact reports, case studies and educational articles.

Another great benefit of the newsletter format is that it is compatible with EDDM campaigns (Every Door Direct Mail). EDDM allows you to target certain geographic areas by zip codes. From there, you can refine down the target even further based on factors like income, age and lifestyle.


Postcards are ideal because there is no barrier to entry. With nothing to open, your message is more likely to be read at a glance. For this reason, postcards are great for announcing sales or other discounts that are eye-catching. Think large, bold percentages off (50% OFF) or words like FREE and LIMITED TIME.


If you’re in the financial sector and would like to incorporate direct mail into your next campaign, give us a call!

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