Is It Time to Redo Your Website?

As time flies by, all things must change and evolve, right?

That goes for your website design, too. Technology is constantly upgrading and moving forward, not to mention how fast design trends emerge and dissolve. Ideally, even the best designed websites are only going to last about 3-5 years before they start to feel a bit worn out. So, if your site is older than a toddler, the answer is YES! It is time to redo your website!


Still not convinced? That’s ok, we’re not here to force you into uncharted territory. We get that you paid a lot for your current website design and you aren’t ready to splurge again. But allow us to help you make the best decision.

Here are a few things you should look into before you make the final call to keep your site as is.

Message & Copy:
  • Could any of your messaging or calls to action be better said?
  • Is there a tweak to your messaging that would better serve your current customers? 
  • Are the main communication goals of your website still the same as they were when it was built?
  • What is the primary message being conveyed? Does it still hold up?
  • Are you speaking to all of your audiences?
  • If you asked a stranger to view your website, would they be able to clearly describe your business?
  • Do you feel strongly about certain parts of your site staying the same?  Why do you feel that way?
  • Do your print pieces match your digital presence?
Action / Content:
  • Do people know what to do when they come to your site? Are the Calls to action clear?
  • Is the navigation clear and easy to use? Could it be updated or streamlined?
  • Are there any pages you don’t need anymore? Outdated products, old services, etc?
  • How is your website working for you? Are you able to easily make changes to it on your own?
  • Are there any special features or functionality needed that you didn’t foresee when it was built? (Ecommerce, event registration, etc.)


Ultimately, you just need to ask yourself:

Is your website helping your business achieve its goals?

If so, great! If not, we can help you with a refresh.

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