data management

Yes, this is the geeky stuff. But geeks are the bomb! Because having a well-developed strategic plan and top-notch creative is great, but you need to get it in the hands of those most likely to want your services. Otherwise, it’s kind of a waste, right? Sending a beautiful recruitment package for your charter school is useless to someone without students in the household.

Let’s keep it clean people

That’s what we do here. Keep your data lists sparkling clean, getting rid of the excess that doesn’t fit the profile of your best customers. That saves you money while targeting those most likely to convert, buy, join, donate, etc.

List management is complicated. That’s why it’s beneficial to get the experts involved. This is especially important for mailings with specific regulations and requirements. We can help you stay compliant.

here’s some tools to help you

Don’t doom your mailing with the wrong list. The right list will lead you to your ideal prospects.
Don’t let your campaign fall flat. Use this checklist to help ensure a strong finish that gets results.

wanna chat?


Maybe the phone or email isn’t your thing.

As long as you’re not a robot we’d love to hear from you! Use this form and we’ll contact you.