Tips for Writing Blog Posts

A blog can be a powerful business tool to have at your disposal, but if you’re not a fan of writing, it can be a bit daunting. If the thought of staring at a blinking cursor on a blank document gives you anxiety, keep reading. We’ve got some blog post ideas to help with writer’s block.


But first, why is blogging important?


I’m so glad you asked. Blogging can help tremendously with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which helps you to be found on the internet. And driving traffic to your site is reason enough to seriously consider blogging. But it can also enhance brand awareness, make you look more credible to your customers and help provide more content for your social channels.


So check out some of the prompts below to help get your idea wheels spinning.


Blog Prompts

  • The How-To Guide – Write a guide that correlates with your products or services
  • Make a List – Top 10 Reasons, 3 People to Watch, 100 Ways to…, etc.
  • The Explanation Post – Just like it sounds, explain something. Maybe you go into the background of your industry or describe your product and the process you took to create it.
  • The Cheat Sheet – Compile some handy tips that help to solve a problem
  • The interview – Take time to ask your employees some questions or interview someone in your industry
  • The Personal Post – Open up with your audience about something in your personal life or a personal account of how you started your business
  • The News Post – Share recent news stories that have to do with your industry and give commentary on how they affect you
  • The Case Study – Share a detailed account of a client that you served, showing the impact of your products or services in the real world
  • The Review – Give an honest review of products or services that have to do with your industry
  • FAQ – If you find yourself answering the same questions time and time again, put them all in one place online


So…technically this was a Top 10 List type of blog post. See, that was easy! Happy blogging!

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