Trigger Ideas for Direct Mail

In the marketing world, a trigger is anything that creates an automated response. Say a customer fills out a form on your website. You might have a trigger set up to send them a follow up email with more information. Or let’s say someone added your product to a shopping cart but didn’t purchase. You could set up a trigger that sends them a reminder email with a picture of that product and a discount code.

Basically, triggers help to create a personalized experience for your customers. And we all know that personalization leads to more conversions! But triggers don’t need to stay in the online world. In fact, tying them in with direct mail is now easy!

Check out the following trigger ideas that incorporate direct mail to get inspired for your next mailing campaign.

People Who Have Recently Moved
USPS updates their records regularly, which means you could target new homeowners in your area. This would be great for home service companies, moving companies, landscapers, etc. But it’s also great for any local business to introduce themselves to new residents before their competitors.

Subscriptions That Have Lapsed
If you offer a service or product that requires renewals or refills, you could send out a reminder mailer based on their account data, encouraging them to renew. Perhaps offer an early renewal discount to entice them to renew before they even expire.

Birthday Discounts
If you have access to this information for your customers, consider sending out a birthday mailer with a discount. People naturally are in good spirits near their birthdays and are often up for “treating” themselves with a new purchase.

Thank You Mailers
What’s better than a customer? A repeat customer, of course! Every purchase could trigger a mailer  showcasing similar products and a discount on a future purchase.

If you’re inspired by any of these triggers and would like to incorporate one into your next mail campaign, give us a call!



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