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A Guide to Market Research
Do you know your audience? It’s more important than ever before to know who your clients and customers are. In knowing them, you can begin to understand what influences them to make a purchase. But, how do you go about getting this information? Well, through market...
Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
Scale Your Small Business with these 3 Marketing Tips It can feel daunting to grow a small business when you have limited resources like time, employees and money. But it doesn’t have to stop you from scaling your business. You just need to get creative with your...
Different Types of Business Mail Classes
There are different types of mail, called mail classes. You may be more familiar with some versus others, especially if you’ve ever sent out direct mail pieces as part of a campaign. The one you should choose depends on factors like the content of your mailing, how...
Appealing Appeals – Year End Appeals
It's August - time to start thinking about year end appeals! It may seem early, but now is the perfect time to begin planning your campaign. Let’s do a quick refresher on what makes an end of the year appeal letter so, well, appealing. By definition, an appeal is...
Best Mail Types for the Financial Industry
Direct mail is a powerful tool when used to its full potential. It’s not a one size fits all solution, though. Some sectors see better results from postcards than from dimensional mail. Let’s look at how the financial industry can benefit from direct mail....
Direct Mail Checklist
Working on a direct mail campaign? We made a checklist for you so nothing gets forgotten! Set Yourself up for Success ✓ Determine your objectives ✓ Determine your timeline ✓ Review best practices for your industry Know Your Audience ✓ Identify your...
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