Nov 30, 2020

What you need to know to acquire a great mailing list

Is it time to acquire a mailing list? Whether your current list is stale or you don’t have a list, there are some things to think about before purchasing a new mailing list.

If you find that you aren’t getting good response rates and overall lackluster results, it might be that your mailing list is stale.  Or maybe you don’t even have a list yet. Either way, let’s look at things to consider when purchasing a new list.


This will vary depending on how targeted you want the list to be, your demographics and your behavioral criteria. But like anything else, you get what you pay for. You can find an inexpensive list but the data will be poor, giving you poor results.

Targeting Capability:

Great mailing lists allow you to get highly focused. A targeted mailing list is the most efficient use of your dollars. By focusing on exactly who you want to mail to, you get more bang for your buck!


Purchasing a list is really more like renting one. You do not get to keep the list, but rather it is yours to use for the campaign.

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