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2023 Color Trends
Introducing the 2023 Color of the Year: Digital Lavender Yep, it’s that time of year. Pantone has released its Color of the Year, splitting designers everywhere into Yay or Nay camps. The interesting thing is that it’s not that different from 2022’s hue, Very Peri,...
Current Design Trends
Summer 2022 Trends come and go, as we all know. That’s what makes them “trendy” after all. Curious about the latest trends in design? Look no further. Creative Market’s 2022 Summer Trend Report is out. Let’s check out this summer’s hottest design trends! ...
Postage Rate Increase for 2022
The U.S. Postal Service announced another increase in postage, set to take effect July 10, 2022. The First-Class Mail Forever Stamp will increase by two cents, bringing it to $.60. In addition to the Forever Stamp, other increases are detailed below. Letters (1oz)...
Finding the Right Direct Mail Company
So, you want to send out some mailing pieces? Maybe it’s a postcard announcing your upcoming sale or a foldable quarterly newsletter detailing the recent impact of your organization. Either way, all mail pieces have one thing in common…they get mailed! And unless...
Creating Connections
Any type of relationship starts with emotional intimacy. Business relationships are no exception. This is why many companies are investing in customer intimacy strategies. Is customer intimacy just a fancier way of referring to customer engagement? Nope. Customer...
Tips for Writing Blog Posts
A blog can be a powerful business tool to have at your disposal, but if you’re not a fan of writing, it can be a bit daunting. If the thought of staring at a blinking cursor on a blank document gives you anxiety, keep reading. We’ve got some blog post ideas to help...
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